Dark Mode

Static VA Payment Simulate API

The following endpoint to simulate a payment to a virtual account


Run in Postman

This endpoint only works in sandbox mode using API Key which starts with dp_test

Request parameters

Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Fieldis required?DescriptionExample
account_numbermandatorystring the account number to which money should be sent1236170055
amountmandatorystring amount in IDR to be sent to account12345.55

Sample Request

curl -X POST \
https://api.durianpay.id/v1/payments/va/static/simulate \
-H 'authorization: [Base64({Your_Server_Key}:)]' \
-H "content-type: application/json" \
-d '{
  "account_number": "1236170055",
  "amount": "12345.55"

Sample Response

The status code returned would be 200.

    "data": {
        "status": "Payment Successful"

Sample Error

Form Errors

Form errors are those which occur during form validation & contain an errors array and are thrown with status code 400.

    "error_code": "DPAY_INVALID_REQUEST",
    "request_id": "dp_JSN8xJULZ39583",
    "errors": [
            "field": "account_number",
            "message": "can't be blank"
            "field": "amount",
            "message": "can't be blank"

Authorization Errors

Authorization errors are errors that occur during authorization. The status code returned is usually 401

    "error": "invalid Authorization header in request",
    "error_code": "DPAY_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS"

Other Errors

Other errors are failures which occur after form validation. The status codes codes are usually 422.

    "data": {
        "status": "Payment Unsuccessful",
        "reason": "VA Not found"